Carousel Week 1

1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) U1.1.2

2. Write up your experience of the following...
    2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: U2.1.1

    Primary: I used different materials and ways when sketching my art piece and then I had to decide which one liked the best.

    Secondary: I looked past students work around the art department to get inspiration from them. I looked at the teacher's example and demonstration of the process of how to do mono printing and how to make the final art piece. 

    2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: U2.1.1

    There's been a variety of skills which I have learnt from spending the day doing some art. These things include learning how to sketch and the right way to do it. As well as this I learnt how to sketch using different materials instead of always using one. Another skill I learnt was mono-printing by using some black oil and a roller whilst drawing onto of an image which was on top of the rolled out paint.

      2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc): U1.1.1

      We had to create 8 different sketches with a load of different materials on 1 piece of A1 paper. The object we chose would then be used later on in the day where we went and did the mono-printing. In this we had to create another piece of art, this time it wasn't a sketch. This time we had to use some black oil and a roller, as well as a pencil to use a photographed image to outline over, once we did the outline we could then do some shading over it to make it look a bit more line the photographed image that was taken.

      When creating the sketches we first grabbed the A1 piece of paper, our object and a pencil which was used in our first sketch. We then had 20 minutes to do a sketch of that object that we chose, including a bit of shading to make it look a bit like the object. After that, we continued to use different materials such as pens, biro pens and some water to create the following 7 sketches. The water and paint brush that we used was for the bio pen, we drew a sketch with the biro pen then got some water on the end of a paintbrush as slowly and carefully painted that water over some of the biro which would add a bit of colour to it which none of the other sketches had.
      In the second half of the day we did mono-printing, we started off by getting a demonstration from the teacher we had, then we had to do it ourselves. We started off by grabbing any photograph that was taken in the first half of the day, we then had to grab some black oil, a pencil and a roller. We started off by putting a small bit of black oil down some the special surface which was already placed in parts around the room. When we had put the black oil down, we then started to roll it out, making it as flat and as even as we could make it. This would, therefore, make it a much better final product when it came to the ending. After we had created a flat even surface we than began to place out the photograph on top of some A3 paper which we stuck to one another with some masking tape. After that, we placed it down on the oil and started to use out the pencil to then draw an outline of the image which would on the other side created the image in the oil. After we had drawn the outline we were then asked to add a bit of shading and effects to it, so I began to create a bit of shading on my image. After we had finished, we then untapped the photograph from out monoprint and left if on the drying rack to dry. 

      2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): U2 3.1

      We used a lot of different tools when creating the art. These tools included things such as pens, pencils, biros, water, paint brushes which were all used to create the different types of sketches on some A1 paper. The black oil, rollers and a photographed image were all used to create the final art piece on an A3 piece of paper.
      Every tool was effective in its own way went it came to creating the piece of art. Thinks such as the pens and pencils were very effective as I was able to continuously sketch for a long period of time keeping the image the same sort thickness. As well as that they allowed me to create different tones and shades in the sketches which would create a deeper and overall better image. The water and paint brushes were used with the biro pen and created a purple like colour as with the biro you couldn't get different shades of colour if you were just using that one single biro. The black oil and rollers were used to create a flat surface of that oil which we would then place an A3 paper with a photograph on. The black oil was very effective as depending on how much we use, would determine how much black would be on our paper when it came to outlining the image. The rollers would also help decide this too as we had to make sure that we were creating a flat even surface otherwise the colour would not be well spread over the paper when outlining the image.
      When doing the sketches I could have used the tools a little better, I believe I was holding the pencil too hard which meant that the sketch kind of feel that the image should get wasn't there.
      In my mono-printing design I used to much oil which meant that around my paper there was a lot of places where you can tell the extra oil was, as well as this you can tell that on some parts I did evenly distribute the oil whereas where I didn't you can see place dots and heavily darkened areas. So the next time I do mono-printing I will make sure that I use less of the black oil and ensure that I layout the oil with the roller better so that it is evener. 


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