Carousel Week 2

  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
  1. List under the following 
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
Looked at other peoples work that they have created and showed us some powerpoint slides
  • Skills that you have tried
Using a sewing machine
Hand stitching
  • Any processes and methods you used.
On Tuesday we created some swatches, designed a crew logo on some polyester and began to sew some fabric. On Wednesday we started to stitch the design that we made to add a bit more colour. 
On Tuesday we got given 6 different colours which we had to take and put them on some paper. From that paper we then heat pressed them on some polyester which took 1 minute to do. After that, we drew out on some paper or crew logo which we had to write backwards. Then we started to paint in and around it to make the colour stand out and to add some colour to it. We then used an iron to add some fabric to our design. After we did that we then used the sewing machine to sew that piece of fabric onto our design. 
On Wednesday we began to hand stitch on our design by using a needle and some coloured thread. This would allow our design to get that extra bit of colour. For me, I did it around some letters which made them stand out that little bit more
  • Any tools that you used.
Embroidery Hoops
Sewing machine
Heat Presser


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