
What is an audience?
The people that consume the media.

Why are audiences important?
They are important as you can cater and base the production on what your target audience is. It will allow you to gain more viewers and revenue as more people will see that it is specific and target to one thing instead of different audiences. Without an audience there would be no production and with there being more competition it means that there is even more audiences coming to the media. Organizations use their audiences and their media that they create to make profit, therefore meaning that without an audience to view with content there would be no profit to be made for the organisations.

Impact of new technology on audiences?
Audiences are now very fragmented meaning that because of the new technology and ways to view media now it is putting audiences into much smaller groups. Old Media such as Newspapers and Radio are beginning to get replaced by the newer generations technology. With devices such as Iphones and tablets people are able to read the newspapers and listen to the radio on their phones. By this being an easier and more convenient thing to do now it means that commuters and more people like that are adopting this new way of viewing different types of media.

Types of audiences?
There are 2 types of audiences. There is a Mass and a Niche Audience. A Mass Audience is a very large group of people who usually watch popular types of media such as soaps and sitcoms. A Niche Audience is a much smaller and more unique type of audience who have a very specific interest.

Two main systems for categorizing audiences?
There is Psychographics which has 7 different types and the media companies target their media to that specific type of audience. As well as that there is also Demographics which is sorted into different characteristics such as Gender, Age, Nationality/Regionality and Socio-ecomomic status.


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