Carousel Week 3

  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
  1. List under the following 
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
Looked at what was written down on the planning sheet
  • Skills that you have tried
  • Any processes and methods you used.
We began by splitting off into groups and thinking of an idea for the advert. We then met up with the rest of the groups and voted on whose we wanted. We decided to choose the more creative one in the end. After that we were all assigned job roles and I took up the role of acting in this advert along with 4 others. We then got the script and starting seeing our lines and got told by the director and others what we needed to to and where we needed to be positioned in the scene. After that we started setting the scene, the scene was a space craft which took 4 astronauts to the moon then once we landed we saw an alien who then got killed by one of the astronauts who was trying to steal the pen. After we had finished going through a few rehearsals and takes we eventually managed to finish the advert.   
  • Any tools that you used.
Cardboard Paper created helmet


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