Lighting with Steve

In the studio, we were presented with 4 setups which included 3 lights and 1 camera. The main front light, the key light, is used to light up the actor's face who was standing in the spotlight. The side lights which are called fill lights were on either side of the actor to light up both sides of his face. Then finally the light which is used to light up behind the actor is called the backlight or the rim light.
The first set of lights were called Arri Horror lights, these lights are exactly what the name displays it to be, horror. With these lights, you could easily apply different colours on top and lay one of the lights underneath the actors face to make it look as though he was just about to read a horror story. Using these lights was quite easy and got really good coverage when trying to take pictures and film. These lights were powered at 900 watts and were quite bright which meant that the equipment got hot sometimes, other than that there weren't much health and safety problems because the wires weren't really in the way too much.
The second set up was with the Arri 300 lights which were also powered at 900 watts and were also reasonably bright, however, this time we found it a little harder to get coverage and focus for some reason, which might have come down to the positioning of the lights and the way we organized them. These lights were once again easy to use the wires were also not in the way too much, but like the Arri horror lights, the lights got pretty hot so we had to wear the gloves and watch where we were moving in case we bumped into them.
Set up number 3 full of Redhead lights which were very bright as they were powered at 1400 watts. Because of this we found that the coverage and focus that we got was medium quality, to sort this out we probably could have put some filters over the lights to not make it as bright as it was, as we may have accidentally had a part of the light shining in the camera lens which could have affected the quality. Due to the watts usage these lights got very hot and there was a lot of wires along the floor compaired to the other lights but other than that it was quite easy to use them.
Finally set up 4 was the dedo lights which has the highest power usage of them all. At 3200 watts they were also the brightest, and without any filters over them i believe this is why we got quite a low focus. However beside that they were quite easy to use and we very safe as we found that there wasn't many wires everywhere for us to trip over.


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