Shower Scene Evaluation

In pairs we were asked to create, using Adobe Premiere Pro, an audio replacement edit over a shower scene from Psycho using effects that we had found on the internet or created ourselves. I believe that we constructed a good production however it did lack a few key sounds in the production which could have made it sound that little bit better and more professional. Our foley sounds that we added in I feel worked really well together, by using some tense music and sounds in the background it could give the viewers a feel and idea of what was going to happen next. As well as that I believe that the stabbing sounds that we added in worked very well together and were in sync throughout the whole of the stabbing. The only thing that didn't work too well in our production was the lack of sound effects on some parts of the production which could have obviously had an effect on the whole production in general by adding that tenser and real-life feel for the viewers. In the future when we get set a similar task we will make sure that we add as many sounds and sound effects as we can, up to a certain point where it sounds real life and not fake, as adding too many sound effects on top of one another will just ruin the smooth flow of the production. There weren't very many things that we had struggle doing in Premiere Pro when editing, we could sync up the audio with the shower scene, we could balance the volume out and we could add music. The only thing we couldn't figure out how to do, was making the pitch higher and adding other cool effects like that, which I believe if we did know how to do, our production could have been much better, and it's defiantly one of those things we will ensure that we do next time we get another task/project similar to this one.


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