White Balances

We used white balancing as a way to get different colours. It allows the camera to see all the white and recognise the white that is in the recording. To actually get the white balancing to work we had to start off my pointing the camera straight at the white paper which would allow the camera to show more of the white in the picture. After we had put the white paper in front of the camera, we had to go into the settings on the camera to allow the camera to actually register what the colour was. After we had pressed a few buttons and gone into the right place in the settings an icon would pop up in the corner of the screen and once it went away the white balancing would have finished. After we had done it with the white colour we then proceeded to do it with other gells such as Blue which would give a warm effect. Then Orange and Red which would give a cold effect. For all those gells we did the exact same process and method that we did with the white colour.


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