Creating an Interview

You should never pass the 180 degree line. By passing the 180 degree line it will confuse your audience and it will look as though the person who you are interviewing is facing and talking to themselves.

You should always make sure that you are making eye contact with the person you are interviewing, this will make them feel more engaged and feel more comfortable when you are interviewing them. By making good eye contact with the interviewee it will insure, that they don't look in other directions or straight into the camera which would be the worst thing you want your interviewee doing.

You should always make sure that you never speak over the person you are interviewing. This is because the interviewee may have much more to say. Even when it goes silent for a second or two, the interviewee may be just about to start speaking and expanding on what they just said.

When framing the shot for the interview you need to make sure that there is a gap above the interviewees head as well as this you need to make sure that you aren't using a wide angle lens as this will show more for he persons body. When framing the shot you would probably want a medium close up shot where it shows the interviewees top half of he's body.


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