Researching TV Productions

The X Factor


Set/location of the Production
The O2. The purpose for this is that is a big arena and allows the production to get that bigger look to it.

Pan of the O2 and how big it is -

Colour Pallette and Tone used within the show
Bright colours to show the performances the their fullest potential on TV. The TV show will be more clearer for the audiences to see which may effect their opinion of the show.

Hair and Make Up
All the people who are infront of the camera, such as the back up dancers, singer and the judges all wear makeup. This is to make sure they look as good and as clean as they can throughout the production so that it look as good as possible.

Picture of bts of the x factor when doing makeup -

All the judges are dress up smartly as they are the ones who are in the spotlight in parts of the production, and the people on stage performing are dressed how they want to for their performance.

X Factor judges walking out -

Presenters Performance
The presenter is dress smartly and speaks in quite a formal way following the specific flow of the show.


Shot Type 
Birds Eye View, Wide Shots, Medium Shot, Mid Shot

In the Studio there is cameras everywhere, above the stage, to the side of the stage, above the audience and at the back of the whole studio.

When the performances begin there is a lot of camera movement, such as zooming in to the stage all the way from the back showing the audience and judges. As well as that the camera on the poles are always moving, going up and down, left and right to give the viewers the full experience and viewing of the performance.

When filming the X Factor they like to get almost everything in the studio in the frame, they like to frequently flick between different camera shots in order to get the full view and feel of the performance.

Depth of Field
There is hardly ever a narrow depth of field on the X Factor, they almost always have a large depth of field throughout the production and performances as they want to show as much of the performance off and the things around it as they can.


The pace of the editing is quite fast, and the pace of the song that they perform will determine how quickly they change the camera shots, the clip which I chose changes camera shots and cameras in general quite fast as the song is quick song.

They don't use many transitions in the production they just flick between all their cameras.

Continuity/Editing Matches
There is continuity editing as all the shots are related and there is no shots which have been pre recorded, they are all filmed at the same time.

Shot Duration
The duration of the shot is continuous, all the cameras are always rolling throughout the production. Every camera in the studio is used in the production.


The only music that is played is the song which the performer is performing and singing along too. The producers didn't have a decision on what song is played as it is decided by the contestants.

Sound FX
There isn't any sound effects in the xfactor as it is all live performed. However there is a bit of speculation to whether or not they use crowd cheering sound effects to make the crowd sound a bit more like a crowd and louder.


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