Interactive Story Example


In the ending there is 3 alternative endings which you can choose out of. As its the ending and you can't go back, your decision will be on what protagonist you like the best and enjoy using, as well as this it will depend on what character give the most towards the story mode and what one will be more useful to you after you choose your decision.

Are the stories more complicated than standard stories - or are the variations just superficial?
As it's a game and you are in control all the time which what the characters do and what paths they take on some missions it is, at some points, quite complicated than the standard story, as standard stories don't give you any choices to make throughout the story or flow of the story.

If you have too much choice - can it really still be a story?
GTA V doesn't give you to much of your own choices (for example multiple paths to take), however it depends on you in every situation to how you act, which also allows you to build a very good opinion on each character, whether or not that opinion is built on your own or how the producers represent the characters throughout the story.


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