Stuart Work - 1 TV and 1 Film Clip

Film Clip - Earthquake scene in 2012
The dialogue is very strong in this clip and really represents what is being shown in the clip, if you were to just listen to the dialogue and not watch the film clip you would know what type of move this is and want genre immediately. The volume is very loud at some points. As this is a very eventful and heart beating scene there is a lot of shouting and screaming, which displays the panic and chaos in this scene especially. The pitch is mostly very high, purely controlled by the screaming but even the male characters in this scene are speaking at a greater pitch especially in parts of the scene where things are falling right beside them. The majority of this scene is the family together in the car and the dialect is therefore very family like, speaking in a way which shows panic and stress but also in a way which comes across that they need to move go quickly.
Sound Effects
There is quite a lot of ambient sounds in this scene, the main ones are buildings balling in the background, cars beeping & crashing, explosions and just all round destruction in the background. The sound effects in this scene are by far some of the most hyper real sound out there, it is clear to recognize this because it is a natural disaster film and this scene have some sounds which are just near impossible to get and film in real life so they would be using a green screen to shoot some of the parts in the scene. All these sounds create and very tense and action-packed mood and really puts you in the shoes of the people in the scene by the absolute obliteration of the things around them. This scene has a whole load of foley in it, from water pouring out all the way to buildings falling down and glass shattering, all of that is foley. Even the part in the scene where the ground gets lifted up from below them.
This scene is mainly built up by its sound effects and doesn’t have much music, and I believe they have done this because it would ruin the scene in a way which wouldn’t allow the scene to have that sort of demolition feel to it. However there is a part of the scene where there is a huge gap which they have to ramp over where some music appears for about 5 seconds, and in this time the sound effects kind of get amplified down for a split second and this 5 seconds in the scene is presented in a way which displays time freezing and slowing down. And that small bit of music that they’ve added really allows the tension to build up.
Audio Post-Processing
There is definitely quite a few times in this specific scene where the soundtrack has been enhanced to show the environment and the natural disaster that is taking place. A good part of this scene where this is shown is when they're about to go on the freeway but the bridge collapses and a truck falls off. In this part of thescene the screeching from the truck falling over is very clearly heavily amplified as well as the beeping of the horn as it goes past they're car too.

TV Clip - Iguana chased by snakes in Planet Earth 2
The dialogue in this scene is very small but it sets the scene very well creating a build up of suspension by it being at the start. The volume is at normal and isn’t amplified louder or quieter as it wouldn’t match the scene, and wouldn’t allow the scene to be set in the way that it is. David Attenborough takes a lot of pauses in his narration which is another way which builds the tension and sets the mood for the rest of the scene. In his short bursts of speaking he ranges quite often from a low pitch to a slightly higher pitch, usually when it’s at the beginning of his scenes when he’s describing the animals and giving some facts. He speaks very softly and in a very calm way which allows you to sometimes to feel like you’re there beside the animals.
Sound Effects
There’s a few ambient sounds in this scene, the main ones which are easily recognisable when you hear them are the waves from the sea in the background and the sound of the wind. These are both mainly towards the end of the scene and leave the scene in a very relaxed and relief sort of way in correlation to whats just happened and what is currently being shown in the scene. These are natural sounds as this is all filmed by themselves at the specific location when these animals are, however i do believe that some of the natural sounds that they have captured have been made louder. The sound effects all through the scene build up anticipation/excitement but in a tense way, as some of the sounds are unique and not many people would have heard them before with the video footage as well.
The music being played begins by being very quiet, sort of like background noise. This music gives the audience a strong indication and feel for what's about to happen next. This is displayed perfectly buy the tense silent build up at the start, suddenly getting louder and louder which signifies that something’s about to happen. As well as this, the music changes from a relaxing but tense sort of music to a sudden spike of a loud bang, which changes the whole complexion of the scene from what people thought it was going to be from the start. There is a point in the scene again where the music changes once again, it goes from a deep and tense music to music which is very high pitched climax building music which relates perfectly to the event which has just happened.


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